Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Sustika Limbu)

Today we changed our blogs layout to make it more attractive. We also did audience research and posted pre-production list in our blog.

Pre -Production (Sustika Limbu)

This is a pre-production list we have to fill it as a group which clearly shows the percentage of work that has been completed by each of us.
The incomplete work left by one of our member has been carried out by Anju and me which also affected on the name of the list.

Reviewed Production Schedule

As Media Foundation Portfolio

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Theory (Anju Tamang)

Tzvetan Todorov analysed narratives according to the way they move forward through different stages and suggested that narratives could be broken into specific stages for analysis of their own genre. Todorov Narrative Structure is written by a Bulgarian structuralist who produced influential work on narrative since 1960.This theory is divided into 3 stages
a) Equilibrium
b) Disequilibrium
c) New equilibrium.

It can be further sub-divided into 5 stages, they are -
a) Equilibrium (The setting is established)
b) Disruption (Oppositional character appears)
c) Recognition of disruption (Tension build out)
d) Attempt to repair disruption (Point of tension after which there is a change in dynamic)
e) Reinstatement to equilibrium ( Problems solved, happy ending).

These stage are created to layout the narrative, so that it would be easy to create narrative whether its fiction or non fiction. The film has to have this structure as it builds up the layout of story. In every story, the stories begins with equilibrium where the story is built and it is disrupted by some events , resolved the problems and happy ending. It helps the audience to keep interested. With this structure you could built up tension, create doubt in the minds of the audience and answer it when you want to break the conventions.

It is not necessary that you always have to obey this structure in order, you can rearrange the order and make a story on its own way. While filming you should always have clear goals to keep the audience interested.

(Picture from google image)

Monday, 29 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Sustika Limbu)

Today we discussed about our blog with our teacher and he gave us some feedback on how to make it better. We try to help each other to make the evaluation easier.

Friday, 26 March 2010

Week 11 (Anju Tamang)

Our deadline was extended this week. We looked at Yasmin's blog and realized that we have lot to do. We shot audience feedback and posted it in our blog. We are also re-writing our evaluation as it was not too good. This week we also clicked pictures for technologies we used while construction our opening sequence

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Audience Feedback (Sustika Limbu and Anju Tamang)

This is the footage of our audience feedback.
We interviewed some of our target audience and asked them about whether they like our film or not.

From left Samuel mulqueen, Madehha Naheed and Rachel Jacobson.

These are the question we asked:
1) After watching the film was the gender clear?
2)What elements do you like about the opening sequence?
3)What elements did you dislike?
4)Would it be a good film to watch?
5)Was the antagonist clear?
6)What certification would you give the film?
7)Do you like the mise-en-scene?

Latest Facebook Group (Anju Tamang)

This is the latest print screen of our facebook group. There are more than 350 members in this group. Most of them have given us positive feedback.

Wednesday, 24 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Sustika Limbu)

Today we did some improvement in our evaluation and we read each others work so that we can get some feedback with in our group. We also looked at the several blogs from previous year to get some idea on making our evaluation perfect.
Due to the absence of one of our group member Anju and me worked for our blog.

Youtube Popularity (Sustika Limbu)

This is the recent picture of our youtube video. We never thought we would gain 469 views by now. Thanks to all the people who supported us.

Monday, 22 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Sustika Limbu)

Today we looked at the blog of other college's students to get some idea on making our blog perfect. Comparing at their blog ours were not so good so me and my group decided to work more on our blog. We also made a 2nd questioner for our audience feedback video.

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Tilly Trinder)

Monday 15th of March 2010 (2 Hours)

Final adjustments to our blog. Discussion on how to improve.

Thursday 18th of March 2010 (2 Hours)

Completion of Evaluation.

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Letters Sent Out (Sustika Limbu)

This is the letter send out, we asked the actors who played in our film to read and sign this list.

Personal Schedule (Group)

Production Schedule (Sustika Limbu)
Personal Schedule for Sustika Limbu[1]

Personal Schedule (Anju Tamang)
Personal Schedule

Monday, 15 March 2010

Week 10 (Anju Tamang)

This week is the deadline for our coursework. We have almost completed our coursework, we are working hard to complete our evaluation. We also improved the presentation of our blog and our teacher was pretty impressed as it was better than before. We are still working on our layout for better presentation.

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Audience Research Analysis (Anju Tamang)

This is the questionnaire we printed and handed out to 20 people to our friends. It was very helpful as it helped us to get a better understanding of target audience and it also allowed us to know the success of our opening sequence.


Graph (Anju Tamang)

Audience Research Questionnaire Result

Friday, 12 March 2010

Week 9 (Anju Tamang)

We filled Pre-production sheet and submitted it to our teacher. We also posted its copy in our blog and also other important sheets like letters sent out. We also posted Personal schedule in our blog. We are still working for our evaluation. We are working hard to improve the presentation of our blog. We made our second questionnaire for the audience analysis and also made chart for it.

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Tilly Trinder)

Monday 8th of March 2010 (2 Hours)

During this lesson, we were adding the final pieces to our blog. Continuation of the Evaluation.

Thursday 11th of March 2010 (2 Hours)

Continuation of Evaluation.

Facebook Group (Anju Tamang)

This is the print screen of our Facebook group, we also changed our facebook group to "Cherry Blossom" as we changed the title of our movie. Facebook group was very helpful as most of the people joined the group and gave feedback. We had lot of members who are curious to watch the full length of the movie. Facebook is a best way to promote and distribute our product as it is the largest networking website for all age and socio economic groups which benefits our film. Facebook group

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

BBFC (Sustika Limbu)

The age range classified for our film is 15 because nowadays, we can see most of the teenagers rather than the elder people in cinemas. So, that means it's a good opportunity for us to sell our films not only to the elder people but also to the teenagers.
Teenagers love to watch horror movies, even though they are scared of it. Horror movie is something that provides them with excitement and thrills that our lives lack. So most of the teenagers are seek those excitement from horror movies. Teenagers audiences have got more power to promote a film like ours because if they like it, they would recommend it to their friends too which means more audiences will pour into the cinema.
Horror movies is not that kind of movies where, our target audience comes alone to watch it. They would come to the cinemas with a group of friends which would bring profit. We can earn more expenses from that.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Software (Anju Tamang)

We have used different softwares while creating this blog.Sound cloud

There were softwares which we knew how to use it and some that we didn't know. To upload our pictures and edit it we used photobucket and picknik, which we knew how to use it
so it wasn't much difficult but for other post like script, brainstorm we had to use scribd, which we didn't know how to use it, although it wasn't too difficult. It was very interesting to learn something new. It helped presenting our blog better. We used to post our brainstorm whereas we used scribd to post our production schedule, production brief, evaluation, scribd and many more. We created brainstorm for the guideline of our opening sequence so that we can go back to see the things that we had planned. For editing we used softwares like Finalcut Pro and Soundtrack Pro. It take us while to learn it but now our editor has learnt it, she is confident enough to use it and edit our opening sequence. We used Finalcut Pro to log and capture our opening sequence as well as edit our sequence.
Finalcut Pro
Soundtrack Pro
We used Soundcloud to upload score music and post in or blog.

We learnt about different software and tried to use it as much as we could so that it would present our blog better.

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Week 8 (Anju Tamang)

We changed our layout to give a more enigmatic and scary look. We also started writing our evaluation which is very difficult to begin. Although with the sheets provided by our teacher, we have managed to answer a few of the questions.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Meeting minutes (Tilly Trinder)

Monday 1st of March 2010 (2 Hours)

We worked on trying to improve the aesthetics of our blog and worked on individual tasks.

Thursday 4th of March 2010 (2 Hours)

We made a start on our Evaluation with great difficulty.

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Production Brief (Anju Tamang)

Production Brief

Props(Sustika Limbu)

Mobile phone:This is the props for the Jennifer, which she uses while trying to call up her parents when she is locked up in a radio room.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Audience Research (Anju and Sustika)

Audience is a group of people who participates in different events. Audiences participates in different ways in different art; eg there are some audiences who are invited to participate in events which allows only clapping.

Media audiences are those who are interested in media products. Audience theory observes the knowledge of how audience affect and are affected by different form of art.

An audience can be people of certain age, gender, group or ethnicity. Now-a-days most of the media market targets the audience of both gender who are aged 15 and above. Without discovering the correct target audience advertisement and selling the product is useless as it takes lot of effort and becomes difficult to understand it. Most of the companies tries to attract mass audience.