Wednesday 20 January 2010

Outline For Opening Sequence (Sustika Limbu and Anju Tamang)


Jennifer O'Neill comes out of her ICT class. Her class mates sees her and one of the girl push her into radio room. Jennifer gets locked up in a radio room by her classmate because she is a geek and a loner. When Jennifer realizes she is alone in the room and has been locked out, she leans towards the door and cries out for help. No one answers to her cries. She takes out the phone from her bag and tries to call her parents but her phone turns off. When she turn around she sees a image of a girl in the mirror of the room. Her first instinct was to run away and,she hides under the table, all frightened and sweating with fear. She becomes more aware of her surrounding when she sees the same girl sitting next to her. She runs towards the door and this time door open itself. She reach the corridor and see the girl again. When she tries to step back, she realise that half part of the corridor lights are turned off. She again sees a vision of the same girl covered with blood. As soon as she sees her, she steps back slowly but the light starts to turn off one by one. She run towards the main door in order to escape. The whole building get engulfed by the darkness. Only, the chilling voice of a girl, screaming is heard.