Wednesday 10 March 2010

BBFC (Sustika Limbu)

The age range classified for our film is 15 because nowadays, we can see most of the teenagers rather than the elder people in cinemas. So, that means it's a good opportunity for us to sell our films not only to the elder people but also to the teenagers.
Teenagers love to watch horror movies, even though they are scared of it. Horror movie is something that provides them with excitement and thrills that our lives lack. So most of the teenagers are seek those excitement from horror movies. Teenagers audiences have got more power to promote a film like ours because if they like it, they would recommend it to their friends too which means more audiences will pour into the cinema.
Horror movies is not that kind of movies where, our target audience comes alone to watch it. They would come to the cinemas with a group of friends which would bring profit. We can earn more expenses from that.